atg.process.ProcessException: Unknown segment "main" in process /Common/commonWorkflow.wdl (ATG Oracle Commerce)

This issue happens for all the workflows, not just for commonWorkflow.wdl atg.process.ProcessException: Unknown segment "main" in process

When this happen BCC will not be able to display the workflows and you BCC home page will be something like this:

This happens due /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager/ does not have well defineda Process Editor Server:

this can be done by adding the PES as follows:

Very Important Note: Do not use localhost, use the serverName instead.

This needs to be deployed in the same path, I did it at server layer on my atg installation /opt/ATG/ATG10.1.2/home/servers/bcc/localconfig/atg/epub/workflow/process , do it where it fits best for your project.

 The server-name will contian the host and the drpPort The Drp port can be found at /dyn/admin/nucleus/atg/dynamo/Configuration/?propertyName=drpPort

When the server starts with the correct configuration for the PES (Process Editior Server) the Unknown segment "main" in process /Common/commonWorkflow.wdl Exception will not happen anymore, and BCC home page will work as usual.

 I hope this helps you to fix the issue.
Special Thanks to Andres Martinez who is the BCC King!
