Scenarios in OC can be created to do actions based on the People/Profile properties
However you might face a problem when the scenario is waiting for a profile property and there is not a user in the scenario process execution context.
When this happen an exception like this will be thrown:
This is because there is not a profile that can be used to apply the Scenario, usually there is one, but when you create a custom event it might not be the case.
In order to avoid this you just need to make sure your Custom Message set the Profile you want to use as follows:
This is documented at
However you might face a problem when the scenario is waiting for a profile property and there is not a user in the scenario process execution context.
When this happen an exception like this will be thrown:
**** Error Wed Dec 20 11:11:25 -07:00 2017 1513793485829 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager An error occurred while MessageSink with nucleus name "/atg/scenario/ScenarioManager" was receiving a Message from input port "IndividualEvents": javax.jms.JMSException: atg.process.ProcessException: Cannot obtain a subject required for an individual process execution context, from either the current request or message bean mycompany.commerce.messaging.ConfirmOrderStateMessage@79fbc732 javax.jms.JMSException: atg.process.ProcessException: Cannot obtain a subject required for an individual process execution context, from either the current request or message bean mycompany.commerce.messaging.ConfirmOrderStateMessage@79fbc732
**** Error Wed Dec 20 11:11:25 -07:00 2017 1513793485829 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager at atg.process.ProcessManagerService.receiveMessage(ProcessManag
This is because there is not a profile that can be used to apply the Scenario, usually there is one, but when you create a custom event it might not be the case.
In order to avoid this you just need to make sure your Custom Message set the Profile you want to use as follows:
This is documented at