Enable/Disable CMS after BCC Deployment

BCC can run CMS (Catalog Maintenance System) after each deployment, this happen on one of the server agents configured on it.
In order to make this happen component /atg/epub/CatalogMaintenanceHelper/ needs to be active.
This component come as part of  DCS.PublishingAgent.

So Basically enable this as follows:



As this is triggered by BCC the following things need to happen:

  • Agent Needs to exist on BCC
  • Agent Needs to be configured as Essential
  • Agent Needs to have active on /atg/epub/CatalogMaintenanceHelper/ (if is not present make sure you have running DCS.PublishingAgent)
  • Only one agent needs to be configured likewise 

You can also manually run this by going into: /dyn/admin/atg/commerce/admin/en/maintenance/startService.jhtml?process=BasicMaintProcess

And click on Start Process

CMS is needed to create the relationships across products/skus/categories/sites so Endeca will need these relationships to be properly set, here is an other blog post that talks about this:
